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Onion Bag Joins Jihad

Onion Bag Joins Jihad

Keegan: Ramadamadingdong
Keegan: Ramadamadingdong
The Onion Bag is proud to raise arms against the FA in the response to Kevin Keegan's call to smash the infidels of Lancaster Gate.

The former England manager was incensed when his player Christian Negouai was forced to drink a bottle of water so that he could provide a sample for a drug test even though as a Muslim his beliefs strictly forbid breaking fast before sunset during Ramadan.

We at Onion Bag fully support Kevin's plight and we delighted when he agreed grant us an interview to gain support for his cause.

OB: "So Kevin, tell us, what's all this Jihad about then?"

KK: "I'm just mad, over what them guys at the FA made Christian do. They had no right to ask him to do that during Ramadamadan"

OB: "er, Ramadan"

KK: "What did I say?"

OB: "Ramadamadan"

KK: "Did I, oh sorry. Anyway these guys right, they come down, and like they know Christian's a muslim, and it's Ramadamadan"

OB: "Ramadan"

KK: "Sod it I'm never gonna get this right am I?"

OB: "Just take it slowly, say 'ram'."

KK: "Ram"

OB: "a"

KK: "a"

OB: "Dan"

KK: "Dan"

OB: "Now put it all together."

KK: "Ramamadan"

OB: "Oh forget it…"

Stirring stuff from the Manchester City Manager.

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