'Ligue 1: Season In Review' at The Elastico

It's been a busy old French football season for 'Yours Truly'. Not only did I start a series of Jeu Du Jour podcasts back in August 2010 where I waffled on endlessly about the latest goings on in the French game, but I also pitched in to co-present a new podcast with Andrew Gibney called French Football Weekly which proved rather more successful.
Sadly time has been all too lacking for me to throw my full weight into contributing to the show so the final FFW recorded on Monday was my last, but fear not - my finger will still remain firmly on the French football pulse next season with occasional blog posts scattered hither and yon!
My final contribution for 2010/11 was an article I was flattered to be asked to write for TheElastico.com which was my review of the Ligue 1 season, so feel free to get along and read it if you want my take on the campaign just ended.
Meantime, if you're a fan of French football and would like to contribute an occasional or regular article to Football Fairground's Jeu Du Jour feature, please feel free to get in touch with us. Either drop us an email to carnies at footballfairground dot com or send us a message on Twitter to @futblfairground. We look forward to hearing from you!