Weekly football conversation since 2009, with Graham Sibley, Jan Bilton and Terry Duffelen. Listen on Apple, Google, Spotify, TuneIn or your podcatcher of choice.

New Socrates event: London, 29 January 2016

Well it's been a while, fancy a beer?

Socrates is back for 2016! If you have a football blog, if you podcast, if you're an illustrator, if you're a kit designer, if you're a football tweeter or if you have a Tumblr dedicated to floodlight pylons this is your chance to meet up with people who do (kind of) what you do.

If you've never been to a Socrates event this could be the perfect opportunity for you to break your duck. Maybe your New Year's resolution is to restart your blog, maybe you're thinking about podcasting, maybe you're planning something bigger - this is your chance to meet people with shared interests and experience.

Blog about a different sport? No problem. The chances are you've experienced the same issues as football bloggers, so if you think you'd get something out of chatting with us then come along. Except you golf bloggers, you're just weird. Only kidding*, you're alright (*Seriously, not kidding).

If everything goes to plan this should be the first of three events in London in 2016. Hopefully we can get some events going in other parts of the UK as well. As ever with Socrates, if you want it, you can make it happen.

When: This event will be held from 7pm Friday 29 January 2016 - FA Cup 4th round weekend. We always like to have a backdrop of football at these events and hopefully the BBC will be showing a potential giant-killing.

Venue: Confirmed as The Sports Bar & Grill at Waterloo Station.

Will you be there? Let us know if you're coming along -  tweet us @SocratesMeetUp or email events@s.ocrat.es . Tell others too.

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