Weekly football conversation since 2009, with Graham Sibley, Jan Bilton and Terry Duffelen. Listen on Apple, Google, Spotify, TuneIn or your podcatcher of choice.

The Bundesbag is Bundesback!

Hello and welcome back to the all new Bundesbag!

For those of you new here, the Bundesbag started off in 2005 as a weekly e-mail to a few friends rounding up the results in the German Bundesliga.

After a while I decided to broaden the audience and posted these round ups on its own blog before hooking up with Some People Are On The Pitch and writing a weekly blog post for that, now defunct website.

Towards the end of last season I began to post preview vodcasts which looked ahead to the upcoming weekends Bundesliga fixtures.

This season sees the creation of the all new Football Fairground which brings together tthe elements of Some People Are On The Pitch plus the Onion Bag satirical website, the Sound Of Football podcast and of course, the Bundesbag!

So what is there to expect from the new Bundesbag?

Well, we’ll start with the Preview Vodcast on Thursday night (which may become a podcast instead, I haven’t decided yet). On Monday morning will be the old faithful Weekend Round Up. Then you can expect an additional feature of some description during the week. Plus there will be some ad hoc stuff that I’ll throw in as and when I feel like it.

Towards the beginning of the Bundesliga season I’ll post a full club by club Bundesliga season preview. In the meantime, why not follow my Bundes-tweets on the Bundesbag’s very on Twitter ID.

See you there!!

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