Club Vs Country Crisis Averted

High budget stars to get low budget treatment
Stelios, of course, found fame (Daddy gave him the fortune) attaching his grammatically questionable easyBrand to airlines, car rentals, web cafes, and whores. Now he's set his sights on acting as a broker between clubs, countries and Fifa by renting top players out for international competitions.
Almost A Press Release
easyPlayer will open up the cream of the world's talent to the wealthiest countries. Previously crap international sides like Jordan and Egypt could turn their football fortunes around by hiring the likes of David Beckham, Thierry Henry, and Stan Lazirides from easyPlayer to turn out in their colours. Stelios told the Bag, "Allo peeps. Stelios ere. easyPlayer. Iss great, innit? Fifa, dey is happy because they not gettin' flippin' well sued by dirty scumbag lawyers. De clubs, dey get compensation if their player he come back crocked - iss like car rental, innit? Any scratch on de player, you pay through the noses. And shitty footballing countries like Algeria, dey get galaticos players. Everyones is winning, innit peeps."Players will be available through the easyPlayer website at low-cost rates. The Onion Bag called Northern Ireland boss Lawrie Sanchez and told him about the new site and suggested he could get some decent players. "Yeah, I've had a look. Ronaldo for £250-a-day. Sadly, the Northern Ireland FA just doesn't have that kind of money."