Socrates Lewes arrangements

From Brighton
The Lord Nelson, Trafalgar Street in Brighton. This is where Danny Last will be from 11am. If you've not been there before then you need to turn right as you leave Brighton Station and then walk down the slope back under yourself (so essentially you are now walking left from the station). The Nelson is around 200 yards down this road on the right. You can actually see it from the station concourse but cannot directly access it in this way.
The plan is to leave there about 1pm and get train to Lewes.
Direct to Lewes
From Lewes Railway Station simply turn right, walk 60 yards to roundabout and
turn left. Ground is straight ahead. Less than 2 minute walk.
Meet in the Rook Inn at the ground from 1.30pm. The ground has two entrances. One is a set of turnstiles next to the Blue Square Bet South sign in the car park, and the other is in the corner of the car park, parallel to the wall and by a access road with a gate. All names will be on this turnstile. Go through here, down the slope and then down the painted steps (aka the tunnel).
Turn left and bottom and you are in The Rook Inn.
Driving to Lewes
Exit A27 at roundabout signposted Lewes Town Centre. Follow road up hill for about a mile until you reach crossroads with traffic lights (prison will be on your left). Turn right at these lights. Steep down hill and then round a few corners before road climbs again. At mini roundabout turn left. Follow this road, straight over next roundabout. Finally you get to a bigger roundabout - go straight over and ground is on right. There is a small pay and display car park at ground, alternatively street parking further down this road (Mountfield Road).
If anyone has a spare club scarf from a team they support then it would be nice to bring so it can be put up in the bar.