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Friday List of Little or No Consequence #202

Piccoli locali

14 Cities That Have Hosted One Italian International Football Match And One Only

1. Ascoli Piceno (Friendly v Portugal, 1985)
2. Avellino (Friendly v West Germany, 1986)
3. Brescia (Friendly v Wales, 1988)
4. Campobasso (Friendly v Northern Ireland, 2003)
5. Cosenza (Euro '68 qualifier v Cyprus, 1967)
6. Cremona (Friendly v Belgium, 1996)
7. Foggia (Euro '92 qualifier v Cyprus, 1991)
8. Livorno (Friendly v Croatia, 2006)
9. Messina (Friendly v Finland, 2004)
10. Piacenza (Friendly v Morocco, 2001)
11. Reggio Emilia (Euro '96 qualifier v Lithuania, 1995)
12. Siena (Friendly v South Africa, 2007 - see below)
13. Taranto (Friendly v Hungary, 1989)
14. Vicenza (Friendly v Algeria, 1989)

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