Juan El Pundittto’s Mundo del Footie
Funny old thing, Football. For instance, Spain. Also-rans for donkeys’ years, now everybody wants to be Spanish.Hacienda
I’m no different, gentle reader. I was so impressed by Spain’s brand of elegant, intelligent football that I have in fact become Spanish. A quiet night in at my hacienda in Cheam South reveals a traditional Spanish scene.Bulls
Of an evening, I will manage to persuade Mrs Pundit to reluctantly set down ‘Hola!’ magazine, and help me recreate bull fights in our living room. Mrs P is impressively redolent of a large, crazed animal, huffing smoke from her nostrils and apparently in search of a china shop in which to make whoopee.Dramatic thrusts
In fetching us both our Ovaltines on our ‘Friends of the National Trust’ tea tray, I think nothing of throwing a few flamenco shapes around our kitchen, sticking out my pert if wrinkly bottom in a series of dramatic thrusts before spooning the nation’s favourite night drink into our Timothy Whites mugs with a snap of the wrist.Tapas
As I say, Mrs P has entered into the spirit too, regularly producing a form of tapas which we like to regard as a ‘fusion’ between Cheam South and Andalusia. For instance, alongside the patatas bravas and the tortilla, we like to have a few custard creams, some pickled onions and a selection of home made jams.I love being Spanish. I don’t know about you?
Pip pip, amigos!