English League Medal Table

Someone once said 'no-one ever remembers who the runners-up were', but here at FootballFairground.com, we're happy to prove that statement wrong. Not only that, but we're also happy to remember who finished third too - specifically with reference to former campaigns in the Premier League and old First Division.
And how best to calculate top three finishes in all previous league campaigns? Why, with an Olympic medal table metaphor, of course. Witness thus (click image for larger version)...
As you can see, Manchester United occupy the USA position in the table, just ahead of Liverpool who take on the mantle of Russia for the purposes of this flimsy premise. (Imagine that the next time those two teams play.) Arsenal are third as China, so to speak.
At the other end of the table with only a token bronze medal each are Crystal Palace, Middlesbrough, Norwich and West Ham. Or Venezuela, Afghanistan, Israel and Moldova in our world.
And who in the table would be Great Britain, we wonder? Perhaps Sunderland - a team that once achieved much but is now merely a shadow of its former self.