Socrates Leeds a Big Success

March 27 saw the first Socrates bloggers' event to take place in Yorkshire, with the superb Brewery Tap bar hosting the occasion.

Topics discussed included Belgium and Switzerland's World Cup chances, David Moyes, the New Magic Spongers-organised book Falling for Football, a forthcoming print venture for which John Dobson would like to see proposals, the difficulty of train travel in the Scarborough area, the footballing rivalry between Newcastle United and Middlesbrough, the Crimea Question, a new project from Richard Bellis & Mick Kinlan and Chris Smith's Brickstand project (a lego model of Selhurst Park anyone?).

Chris (right) and Michael Hudson (aka @DolphinHotel) are pictured above (I'm afraid the darkness of bar has left many of our additional photos looking a bit forlorn) while suggestions for another northern venue for Socrates are welcome. Sheffield's Brewery Tap might well be a good shout next time while below is a pic of last Thursday's venue.

Thank you to everyone who came along for what proved to be a hugely enjoyable evening.