Weekly football conversation since 2009, with Graham Sibley, Jan Bilton and Terry Duffelen. Listen on Apple, Google, Spotify, TuneIn or your podcatcher of choice.

Out with the old, in with the new...

For any of you that have been lingering on this website hoping for new Jeu Du Jour podcasts, this has probably been a barren couple of months for you. I can only apologise for this, but never fear - the Jeu Du Jour podcast was merely spending time in a cocoon before re-emerging as the beautiful new butterfly that is French Football Weekly.

French Football Weekly is the bigger, brighter podcast in which Andrew Gibney joins me every seven days to update you on all the latest happenings across the Channel.

Like me, Andrew's no stranger to podcasting on French football - he presented Le Beau Jour via his website GibFootballShow for quite a while - so we thought it would make perfect sense to combine our 'talents' to produce a French football podcast to really reckon with.

We've already recorded two shows - both of which are available via iTunes - and we'll be recording Show 3 tomorrow, so if you liked Jeu Du Jour, why not check out French Football Weekly?

For more information about the podcast, plus news updates, videos and more, visit the French Football Weekly blogsite.

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