Football’s First Credit Crunch

Pundit Senior ‘tells it like it is’
Leaking onions
Now look here. I’m Jeremiah Pundit. And I can tell you when I write a column, it stays written. I’m standing in for Junior, who’s allowed off games this week as his fetid fruitcake of a wife has trouble with her onions or some such, the Doctor thinks they’re leaking I gather, so he’s staying at home, feeding her grapes and reading her his memoirs. If that doesn’t dull the pain, I don’t know what will.Rotters
So here I am. And I can assure you that weathering ninety-nine winters, and owning a face like a naturist’s scrotum on a blustery day won’t prevent me telling you young rotters ‘like it is’. Don’t think football clubs haven’t been in dire financial straits before, for instance; oh no. When I played for Old Diptherians back in ’13 I remember when we offered Miggleton Rovers the then obscene amount of two oranges for burly outside half Erasmus Cod. It nearly bankrupted us.A jug of fresh cream
An orange was a commodity in short supply in those days; turned out we weren’t even pronouncing it right. We were heavily in debt, and worse, we single-handedly caused transfers fees to rocket. The following week, Harry Blithe went to Menthol Town for six bananas and a peck on the cheek from the Chairman’s wife; and HM Government felt obliged to step in after Anthony St.Thursday joined Ankle Wanderers for twelve cranberries and a jug of fresh cream.Pointless
As for us, with those two oranges hanging around our neck, at least it was 1913. Suffice to say I have never been more grateful for a pointless global conflict in which millions unnecessarily perished. How lucky was that?Stop picking your nose and snivelling,
The father of