Onion Bag World Cup Appeal
Help us find the new world cup
The Onion Bag are appealling to it's readers to provide us with a picture of a new World Cup Trophy after it was forced to take down images of the real one by FIFA.Within days of the Bag's spectacular World Cup Pull Out's release, FIFA bigwigs have ordered that the Germany 2006 logo along with any image of the World cup trophy be removed.
Pay and display
Apparently you have to pay to display the offending images and become "official partners" in order to cash in on the biggest sporting festival on Earth. Turns out that this is to stop other businesses from making money out of the tournament without cutting FIFA in on a piece of the action.Do androids dream...?
Following a stern email from media monitors, the Bag's technical department dropped their pizza's and copies of Frau Auf Frau (the official girl on girl action mag of the World Cup) and removed the logo's from the Bag's fantasic World Cup babe game, hilarious Hoff's guide to the Hun, bonkers Bono's Poverty Guide and the Skivertron who at first refused to let go of the pictures: "NO! Bleep bleep. They are my only freinds." he cried out in robo-anguish "Why did you program me to feel loneliness?"Fair use
Bag editor-in-chief Duffman is furious with the decision to drop the protected pics. "What will be next?" he asked no one special "They'll be telling me I can't use pictures of footballers without the owners permission or that we can't nick other peoples gags and pass them off as our own." he said before his lawyer pleaded with him to keep his mouth shut.Terms and Conditions
The Onion Bag is calling out to all readers with an artistic bent to submit your own interpretation of the world cup through the medium of jpeg by using the comments section at the bottom of the this page. Instructions on how to insert images can be found here. You must be a registered Onion Bag user, you can sign up here very easily all you need is your email address.The best/most imaginitive/least likely to get us into trouble picture will become the officially unnofficial World Cup. The only stipulation is you must agree to keep the image copyright free and that it be different to the actual trophy.