Weekly football conversation since 2009, with Graham Sibley, Jan Bilton and Terry Duffelen. Listen on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn or your podcatcher of choice.

Never Knowingly Underplayed

Johnny P accepts a message from our sponsors

Johnny Pundit:  Corporate stooge
Johnny Pundit: Corporate stooge
Sylvia: Important local service
Sylvia: Important local service
Ask about our very reasonable rates
Ask about our very reasonable rates
Funny old thing, Football. For instance, sponsorship. You might think it's new to the game. But I couldn't have survived on West Ham's wages without the sponsorship deal I struck. After all, there's not enough public honesty about piles. It was good to get it out in the open, and I was happy to help.
I wasn't alone in this. Okay, it was a bit different to nowadays — it wasn't all megacorporations. I know Reg Childs, our dashing left winger, took some local advertising: 'Sylvia's Massages. Relief is at hand!' Likewise our reserve goalie, Tommy Tiptree, who never had to pay for a haircut again after he took the sponsorship shilling from 'Sid's Snips' in Poplar. I loved their slogan, which was almost, but not quite, elegant: 'Something for the gentleman of style. Something for the head of distinction. Plus, something for the weekend.'
The trouble was, there were no regulations about advertising. Nobody had ever thought of advertising on shirts so it wasn't banned. I heard of one chap, name of Walter Peabody, who decided his Celtic shirt could bear a slogan or two and he quietly struck a lucrative deal with a very well-known local name. Unfortunately, that name was 'Rangers' and when he led them out at Park Head with his colours proudly asserting 'Support Rangers!' I gather one or two frank opinions were exchanged.
All of which leaves me just enough time to mention in passing how useful I personally find 'Henderson's Special Waters'. You will too; they're flavoursome and healthy — and they won't hurt your wallet either.

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