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Could You Support A Team Called Leonard?

Johnny resorts to name-calling

Pundit: aka Johnny
Pundit: aka Johnny
Funny old thing, Football. For instance, team names. Maybe a few in the Premier League are due what I believe is called a 'rebrand'.

The subject came up as Fothergill and I walked arm-in-arm to the Underground last Thursday having wet our respective whistles at The Mixed Metaphor, the watering hole for pundits, commentators and other lughole-botherers in London's fashionable Soho. As an omnibus swished past, Fothers remarked: "Did you see that cable channels has rebranded itself from UK Gold 2 or some such to, quite simply, Dave?" Most of that sentence I frankly didn't understand, except for the relevant part. "Dave?! Can you imagine if football clubs reinvented themselves along the same lines?"
Arsenal could be William: classic, and coming back into fashion. Wigan Athletic could be Leonard: think they've made it but in fact still hopelessly out of date.

Chelsea would have to be Terence. Delusions of grandeur from new money — plus everyone knows they're really called Terry?
What about Spurs? Rodney — might have made sense in the 60s, looks a bit daft now.

We then moved on to names that would suggest football clubs. Alfred - Leeds United: used to be great, now frankly an embarrassment.

And what about, Johnny? I was dreading that one but, dear reader, I am not entirely deaf to the patois of youth. Manchester City. Why so? Sleek in the sixties, now bouncing up and down the league like they're made out of rubber.

Johnny Pundit

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