Weekly football conversation since 2009, with Graham Sibley, Jan Bilton and Terry Duffelen. Listen on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn or your podcatcher of choice.

Socrates London 1 update

The word is spreading and we're all looking forward to the main event on the 9th September.

We are thrilled that the fine folk at TwoHundredPercent, Soccerlens, Who Ate All The Pies, Tottenham Blog, Low-Life Opinions, Festival Of Football, Truebluearmy, echelsea and Just Football among other football bloggers are meeting up at Socrates.

If you're a football blogger or writer and you want to join us in London on the 9th September, drop us a line at socrates [at] the-onion-bag [dot] com.


Jon from Goalpostr is working on a Socrates widget for all Socrates bloggers so if you're coming, get yourself signed up at goalpostr.com and get involved in some hardcore football social networking.


You can promote Socrates by using the #socrates hashtag on Twitter when talking about Socrates. Also, there is a wee Socrates picture on the side bar of this blog. It would be great if you slapped that somewhere on your blog.


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