The Friday List of Little or No Consequence #150

Reader's Choice
11 People Tell Us About Their Favourite 'Friday Lists' To Celebrate 150 'Friday Lists of Little or No Consequence'
1. Michael Richard
"I would have to say my favorite list is #124 "15 Quotes from Sir Bobby Robson" for a couple of reasons...
"(1) I think there is no better way to remember someone than by recounting all the times they made you laugh. Although I don't remember the instance when most of these quotes were said, it's surprising how many of these that I heard and didn't realize were said by Sir Bobby.
"(2) As a Toon fan living in Canada, I was a huge admirer of Sir Bobby and everything he did and the way he conducted himself. There was no better ambassador for the North East and he will be missed.
"This list definitely brought a smile to my face so I would vote this one as my favorite to date."
2. Karl, Footysphere
"So many great lists to choose from but have plumped for number 52 - sent off on their club debuts .. an ultimate football fail!"
3. Chris Harris, EPL Talk
"It has to be the 17 computer games endorsed by football players. Many of these footballers and managers probably didn't know how to switch on a computer, but when a load of dosh is waved under their noses, how could they refuse? My favorite title of the 17 is "Emlyn Hughes International Soccer" because I admired him as a footballer. Plus he played for my team, Swansea City! Thanks for the great work, Chris. Your Friday Lists always a bring a smile to my face."
4. Chris Nee, TwoFootedTackle
"SPAOTP is like a fine wine: spend an evening in the pub with it and it'll get you really, really pissed. It's been a real pleasure to get to know Chris and the team out in the scary real world over the last year and a bit, adding an extra dimension to the already fulfilling SPAOTP experience. Here's to another 150 lists."
And Chris' favourite list...?
"Has to be Bobby Robson quotes, that was ruddy magnificent."
5. Martin Lewis, SPAOTP co-founder and contributer
"Ah, a favourite Friday List for #150. But there is so much choice! 149 to be exact...
I almost picked #84 - The World Cup: A load of balls but that would have been purely on the memories of the hypnotic Telstar ball as it span in the air or as it rolled along the ground. Any TRUE football fan will know what I mean.
"However I decided that I'd take us back - way back - to Friday 9th March 2007. It was a cold, blustery day and I was 19 at the time. This was List #2 - The Name Game which contained some rather amusing club names from around the world, of which one has stuck with me ever since - FC KooTeePee. Don't ask me why it has stuck with me. All I know is, when I go to Finland I will treat myself to one of their home shirts...
"Who would have thought the Friday List would still be going today?
"PS - I've got an idea for List #1000 if you're interested :)"
1. Michael Richard
"I would have to say my favorite list is #124 "15 Quotes from Sir Bobby Robson" for a couple of reasons...
"(1) I think there is no better way to remember someone than by recounting all the times they made you laugh. Although I don't remember the instance when most of these quotes were said, it's surprising how many of these that I heard and didn't realize were said by Sir Bobby.
"(2) As a Toon fan living in Canada, I was a huge admirer of Sir Bobby and everything he did and the way he conducted himself. There was no better ambassador for the North East and he will be missed.
"This list definitely brought a smile to my face so I would vote this one as my favorite to date."
2. Karl, Footysphere
"So many great lists to choose from but have plumped for number 52 - sent off on their club debuts .. an ultimate football fail!"
3. Chris Harris, EPL Talk
"It has to be the 17 computer games endorsed by football players. Many of these footballers and managers probably didn't know how to switch on a computer, but when a load of dosh is waved under their noses, how could they refuse? My favorite title of the 17 is "Emlyn Hughes International Soccer" because I admired him as a footballer. Plus he played for my team, Swansea City! Thanks for the great work, Chris. Your Friday Lists always a bring a smile to my face."
4. Chris Nee, TwoFootedTackle
"SPAOTP is like a fine wine: spend an evening in the pub with it and it'll get you really, really pissed. It's been a real pleasure to get to know Chris and the team out in the scary real world over the last year and a bit, adding an extra dimension to the already fulfilling SPAOTP experience. Here's to another 150 lists."
And Chris' favourite list...?
"Has to be Bobby Robson quotes, that was ruddy magnificent."
5. Martin Lewis, SPAOTP co-founder and contributer
"Ah, a favourite Friday List for #150. But there is so much choice! 149 to be exact...
I almost picked #84 - The World Cup: A load of balls but that would have been purely on the memories of the hypnotic Telstar ball as it span in the air or as it rolled along the ground. Any TRUE football fan will know what I mean.
"However I decided that I'd take us back - way back - to Friday 9th March 2007. It was a cold, blustery day and I was 19 at the time. This was List #2 - The Name Game which contained some rather amusing club names from around the world, of which one has stuck with me ever since - FC KooTeePee. Don't ask me why it has stuck with me. All I know is, when I go to Finland I will treat myself to one of their home shirts...
"Who would have thought the Friday List would still be going today?
"PS - I've got an idea for List #1000 if you're interested :)"
6. Terry Duffelen, SPAOTP writer and co-producer
"I would like to submit Number 67: Your homage to the lesson that Diego Maradona gave the English in 1986. A lesson that I fear many of us have yet to learn."
7. Rich Johnson
"I came late to the FLOLONC, which meant I got to spend a lazy afternoon catching up on the first 140... and what joys within :)
"#121 Football video game tie-ins - Ah back to the good old days when footy games were nothing like playing football, but you bought it anyway because Gary Lineker was telling you to.
"#51 Strange Injuries - The best Dave Beasant / Salad Cream anecdote you'll find on the me, I've looked.
8. ChrissMari
"I like list 39 (and 52 :P :P)"
9. Graham Sibley, SPAOTP writer and co-producer
"44 - Roy of the Rovers opponents"
10. Seb, Inside Left and occasional writer for SPAOTP
"My favourite absolutely has to be "missing stickers", if only because it made me dig out my old Panini albums from years gone by to relive the glorious days when Aberdeen where still a team to be reckoned with. Congrats on the 150th Friday List!"
11. P Shaw
"Can I just say that they are all good in their own way. There are plenty more ideas I'm sure to get too 200 and beyond!
"My personal favourite will always be the Bobby Robson tribute #124 purely for the fact that I actually cried while hearing the news of his death. It still makes me cry as I write this. Every post on every website I saw about him was beautiful but this stood out because it showed the lighter side. His fun side. We all know he was first and foremost an entertainer. He didn't care about winning or losing - it was how you played the game with Bobby. That list will always be my favourite.
"#40 was very interesting if only for the fact i found out that Michael Vaughan supports the same club as me and I'm surprised no-one has mentioned #42. The one where famous stadiums now have Chris' vomit on and the fact that chris c paul has very good eyesight!
"I have fond memories of every one you have done. The ones of the old advertising boards #1 and your sticker collection what needs completing (#10) are all very ingenious. Thanks for making Fridays on the internet eccentric and funny."

As mentioned by Martin above, our 2nd list on amusing football club names was the first to really strike a chord with many of you. Even now, it continues to get lots of attention from people referring to the humorous nature of some of the items mentioned within it.
List 59 - 'Scrabble Poles' got a lovely reaction when published - not least from a fella in Uruguay (of all places) who said he found it highly amusing. To think that someone so far away was enjoying one of our Friday Lists!
Our special video lists for 70, 80, 90 and 100 were a nice change of direction for us, but to be honest every single one of our Friday Lists has given me a great deal of personal pride and contentment.
My intention in creating the series originally was to produce something that was either funny or informative or quirky or just downright ridiculous, and I hope you'll agree we achieved that - and that it continues to do so to this day.
For now though, let me just say thanks to all of you that sent in your personal favourites and if any of you are stumbling on this page after the event, please continue to tell us yours too as we'll be only too happy to add them on later.
Finally to everyone else that has enjoyed the Friday Lists thus far, thanks for all your wonderful feedback. It'll spur us on to do many more in the future...
Chris O.