Naming Conventions

Players to flog names for wonga
Now that Premier League clubs are haemorrhaging cash, they have decided reluctantly to break with tradition and sell their long standing stadium names off the the highest bidder. Or more accurately, they have waited for one of them to take the first step before following their example.
Should 5% appear too small
While the cash injection from the sale will be substantial, it will still not be enough for clubs to continue to pay top player's wages in the conventional manner - that is to pay their tax bill as well. So players are in the market themselves to have their names changed for advertising purposes."This represents a step forward in the realisation of professional football's true worth," said top money expert Ernesto Cockgroupier on his 24 Hour satellite channel Discount Hoarding Eejits Dot TV. "Player will still keep their original name but their first and surname's will be separated by a company name. For instance "Steven Gerrard could be known as Steven 'Discount Hoarding Eejits Dot TV' Gerrard. Come to think of it we could probably only afford Dean Windass... is he still playing?"
Because you're worth it
In the future the terraces could be chanting the names of footballing legends such as Fernando 'L'oreal' Torres, Wayne 'Red Bull' Rooney, Didier 'Pampers' Drogba and John 'Coke' Terry.The idea was inspired by Wayne Rooney who recently chose to advertise the forthcoming Star Trek DVD release by naming his son after a character from Deep Space Nine. It is believed that companies are queueing up to acquire the naming rights for Ashely and Cheryl Cole's baby should she ever let the Chelsea player near her again.