Weekly football conversation since 2009, with Graham Sibley, Jan Bilton and Terry Duffelen. Listen on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn or your podcatcher of choice.

Welcome aboard Kwaitoball

Our very own Mr Twofootedtackle Chris Nee is so excited about the forthcoming shenanigans in South Africa that he has launched a new World Cup blog.

It's called Kwaitoball and was launched yesterday amidst a huge media fanfare (he plugged it on Twitter and we retweeted it).

Anyhoo, why don't you get yourself over there now and feel free to congratulate/poor scorn on his efforts in person when you come along to Socrates next Wednesday.

What's that? You're not coming to Socrates? You are now. Email socrates[at]the-onion-bag[dot]com.

A warm welcome plus booze, food and football awaits you courtesy of our generous sponsor Football3s.

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The Open Sauce
Mint Digital
W125-127 Westminster Business Square
1 Durham Street
SE11 5JH

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